
NF Winged 106 - Indoors

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 106
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. It is autumn and winged ones are getting rare.  But there are still a few around. So, go for a photohunt.  Even inside your home. I found the litle one the other day on one of my pot plants. It is probably still inside somewhere.  :)
This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge

NF Photo 131014
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  1. That's a fascinating little insect, I've not seen one like that before.

  2. That is a very cool bug. I have never seen one like that, either.

  3. En intressant filur. Vingarna har vackra mönster.

  4. It may be tiny, but those wings are a work of art!!!

  5. Cool bugs, I like the shape of the wings! Thanks for hosting, have a happy day!

  6. Pretty, delicate markings on this little character.


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