
NF Memes on tour

NF Memes on tour

Hi guys, as you know by now I am on tour to Australia. I have left the linkies open on all memes till I come back. So you can post each week as usual. And I don´t risk messing things up. I´m really going into wild country and probably can´t access internet at all.

To help you find the memes, when you want to linkup, I list a shortcut to the memes

NF Inspiring  photo Catching light 107
NF Blo-Ma 110
NF Abstract 79 & NF Dam 6
NF Winged 127

Labels: NatureFootstep, nfphoto, foto, photography, natur, naturfoto, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, Bildverkstan, photo manipulation, photo shop, art, konst, sweden, sverige, Monica Johansson, resor, travels, Katrineholm fotograf, bild, NF Meme,


  1. Have a wonderful trip to Australia!! See you when you return, with lots of great photos!!

  2. Happy strip to Australia
    Best regard from Belgium.

    * http://retriever-louisettesblogs.blogspot.com/2014/09/costumes-de-legendes-20-ans-de-creation.html
    Honors costumes Opera with the textiles museum of Lyon

    * http://louisette.eklablog.com/-p842116
    Mons in Belgium My city

  3. Have a great trip, sounds like an awesome time!

  4. Such an adventure! Have a really nice vacation"


I love comments so please write something. I usually responds to everyone on their own blogs. But nowadays I often find it impossible to comment on many blogs or on Google+. Often the word verifications is unreadable. And after three times I give up. Other times the systems seems to think I am a spammer. Lots of bloggers loose comments that way. :( So, if you don´t see me comment on your blog that is the reason.