
Internet is down

Hi everyone!

I have to mention that my modem for Internet connection is broken. I have ordered a new one that will arrive at the end of the week I hope.

For now I can´t create any more memes. I am visiting my sister to write this one.
If you have already prepared a post for any of the three memes

Catching light, Blo-Ma or Abstract
 you can still linkup. But there will only be this linkup this week.
Have fun without me. I hope everything will be solved till next week.
NatureFootstep / Monica

Labels: NatureFootstep, nfphoto, foto, photography, natur, naturfoto, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, Bildverkstan, photo manipulation, photo shop, art, konst, sweden, sverige, Monica Johansson, resor, travels, Katrineholm fotograf, bild, NF Meme,


  1. I'll be looking for your picture. HAVE FUN in the meantime. They say there is life behind the firewall ;))

  2. I am busy this week anyway, so I will wait for when you are back to normal next week before posting.

  3. Oh, good luck! When I don't have internet I feel very deprived. When we were on a cruise a few years ago, I felt like I was going through withdrawal! Very unpleasant.

  4. Ugh. Hope you get the problem solved quickly. I'd be lost without my internet connection!

  5. Ugh! Really shows you how much we depend on the internet nowadays! Hope problem is resolved soon.

  6. thanks everyone. Now I am back on line and next week will go as usual.


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