Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Winter is still here on the northern hemisphere. Not much winged ones except for birds. But maybe you still have unpublished ones. So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files. If you live in the south you might go outdoors. :)
This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun. This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.
As usual I don´t know the ID of this butterfly but from its looks it seem to belong to the Hesperiidae family. We have similar ones to form and shape but a bit different in coloring. Seems like I don´t get thumbnails today either. A link list will have to do. :(
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.
NF Abstract 54
Abstract art: "art that does not attempt to represent external, recognizable reality but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors and textures".
NF Abstract, a meme for abstract photo art and creative work. I started this meme as I hope to challenge myself in my photography and artwork.
The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways and you can use whatever means you want as long as the result is Abstract.
Please visit my entry and so many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
lol, yes, this is one of the freezer shots I played with. :)
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.
LINKY isn´t giving me a Thumbnail linkup today. You will only get a link.
Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can visit.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.
To join NF Abstract enter your permalink in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others. Lets have fun and learn a lot.
NF Blo-Ma 80 Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma. A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. Not necessarily macro flowers. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the Swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. You can post any flower or any macro of your choice. Thanks everyone who joined last week. If flower comes short this time of year dont´ forget you can link up macro shots.
Addition: Why not make some flower and macro art while you are at it? To add a little more fun to the meme.
This was blooming in a garden and the owner graciously let me in to take some shots.
As you know I have a lot on
my mind but I always returns a visit.
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog. Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not to GOOGLE+ or the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can visit.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.
Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
To join NF Blo-Ma ad your link in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and get inspired.
NF Inspiring Photography, a meme for creative and inspiring photography and photo art. Focus more on how to catch the light. Create images with light or lack of light. Share the shots you were inspired to take or make. And then, this is the place to showcase them. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways. Most important have fun.
I´d like this to be a living meme. Not only another linky list. So far this is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating.
As you can see we have snow now and even a little sunshine. Let me see what light you captured this time. Enjoy your winter if you are in the northern hemisphere.
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.
Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.
To join NF Inspiring Photography/Catching the light ad your link in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and get inspired.
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Winter is still here on the northern hemisphere. Not much winged ones except for birds. But maybe you still have unpublished ones. So, go for a photo hunt. Or search your files. If you live in the south you might go outdoors. :)
This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun. This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.
This is an image I thought I´d make an abstract of but never seem to do it. Now I saw it when I searched and thought I use it today. This fly is walking on the outside of the wavy window of my bathroom. So what you see is the belly of the fly.
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.
NF Abstract 53
Abstract art: "art that does not attempt to represent external, recognizable reality but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors and textures".
NF Abstract, a meme for abstract photo art and creative work. I started this meme as I hope to challenge myself in my photography and artwork. To me, so far, it is all about photography and manipulation of my shots in a, hopefully, creative way. Now I want to proceed. And I hope some of you want to share that process with me.
The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways and you can use whatever means you want as long as the result is Abstract.
Please visit my entry and so many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
Lol, this is not a piano. :) It is one of the images I took when my cleaning of the freezer last week. Another image is seen on NatureFootstep Photography. HERE.
I recently had some thoughts of creating a GROUP on Facebook where artists can post their links to blogs or their images. Somehow advertise a new post. Maybe naming it NF Digital Art. That could include most kinds of artwork. Would that be of interest to any of you?
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.
Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can visit.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.
To join NF Abstract enter your permalink in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others. Lets have fun and learn a lot.
NF Blo-Ma 79 Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma. A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. Not necessarily macro flowers. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the Swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. You can post any flower or any macro of your choice. Thanks everyone who joined last week. If flower comes short this time of year dont´ forget you can link up macro shots.
Addition: Why not make some flower and macro art while you are at it? To add a little more fun to the meme.
As you can see we do have some snow now. And today the sun actually shines from a clear blue sky. Will go out soon for a long walk.
As you know I have a lot on
my mind but I always returns a visit.
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog. Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not to GOOGLE+ or the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can visit.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.
Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
To join NF Blo-Ma ad your link in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and get inspired.
NF Inspiring Photography, a meme for creative and inspiring photography and photo art. Focus more on how to catch the light. Create images with light or lack of light. Share the shots you were inspired to take or make. And then, this is the place to showcase them. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways. Most important have fun.
I´d like this to be a living meme. Not only another linky list. So far this is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating.
When I saw this nicely lit dog I instantly reached for my little camera in my pocket. I managed to take this one shot. :)
Linking up with Saturdays Critter
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.
Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.
To join NF Inspiring Photography/Catching the light ad your link in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and get inspired.
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Winter is still here on the northern hemisphere. Not much winged ones except for birds. But maybe you still have unpublished ones. So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files. If you live in the south you might go outdoors. :)
This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun. This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.
We always think of butterflies as being there to please us. Having a great life visiting flowers and display their beauty. Truth is they have a hard life as this image shows. They are prey to birds and other large insects.
I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.