
NF Blo-Ma 41 Purple November cactus

Every Tuesday

NF Blo-Ma 41
Välkommna till en ny utgåva av NF Blo-Ma. Memet för allting som har med blommor och macro foton att göra. Dvs ett meme för både och, där Blo står för blomma och Ma för macro. Ett tack till alla som var med förra veckan.

Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma.  A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. English translation would be Flo-Ma but that does not sound so good in Swedish so Blo-Ma it is. Thanks everyone who joined last week.

click to enlarge
 NF Photo 130318
This is not the same plant I have posted before. I have one flower on this one and it has a blue tone to the color. Not really purple but colder then the others.
Now it is your turn. Pick some flowers and have fun.

As you know I have a lot on my mind but I always returns a visit.
You are always welcome to visit NatureFootstep.  :)

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