
NF Blo-Ma 35 Flowers in snow

Every Tuesday

NF Blo-Ma 35

Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma.  A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. English translation would be Flo-Ma but that does not sound so good in Swedish so Blo-Ma it is. Thanks everyone who joined last week.

click to enlarge
 NF Photo 130109
Linking up with Todays Flowers
You are always welcome to visit NatureFootstep.  :)
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  1. Flowers and snow look so strange together and so beautifully dramatic! Great photo!

  2. Lovely shot a Winter scene with promises of Spring!
    Thanks for hosting.

  3. Beautiful capture. Hope you'll find time to visit my entry.

  4. These are so beautiful! I apologize for being so late in commenting. My week has been busier than normal with very little computer time.


I love comments so please write something. I usually responds to everyone on their own blogs. But nowadays I often find it impossible to comment on many blogs or on Google+. Often the word verifications is unreadable. And after three times I give up. Other times the systems seems to think I am a spammer. Lots of bloggers loose comments that way. :( So, if you don´t see me comment on your blog that is the reason.