
NF Winged #36

Torsdagar kl 19 - Thursdays at 19.00h

NF Winged #36

Memet för allting med vingar. -  Everything with wings.

Välkommen till NF Winged. Våren är på gång och nya småkryp vaknar dagligen. Men än har jag inte sett någon trollslända. Mitt bidrag är klart och finns på Resebloggen. Costa Rica fjärilar. Tyvärr måste jag säga att INGEN kommenterade på mitt bidrag förra veckan. Och nästan inga någon annanstans heller. Det var ju tråkigt. Om alla bara lägger in länken och sedan inte besöker någon är det ju ingen vits med det här. Eller??

Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Spring is coming and new winged creatures are awaken on a daily basis. But I have not seen and dragonfly yet. My post is ready and on my Travel blog. Please visit Costa Rica butterflies. Sadly enough I have to say that NOBODY was commenting on my entry last week and only a few anywhere else. If everyone only post links and then forget about it, this meme serves no purpose.

This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. But if you have a statue or airplane, that is OK too.
The rules are simpel enough. Post someone or something with wings at your blog and ad your permalink in the Linky list below. Then link back to this site.

What is permalink? It is the link that takes you direct to your winged post. That is a courtesy to your visitors, they need not search for your post. The list will be open Thursday to Sunday.


  1. Minns inte om jag lämnade några kommentarer, har varit så stressad. Hade fått skadligt programvara i min dator flera gånger mars-april. Även om jag inte kommenterar så tittar jag på alla bilderna här hos dig, de är ju inte så många.
    Tittade på dina fjärilar och tycker att bilderna är fina.

  2. I always try to visit people on the memes I join (like your Waters one)..but sometimes people get busy and can't get to everyone. I think others are shy about leaving comments! The memes serve a purpose of reminding us of things to look for, to see beauty and photo opportunities in different places -- and provide an "excuse" .. or reason.. to post more of our photos.

    For these reasons, I am always very grateful to you and others who host memes. And I know I'm not the only one, even if we sometimes forget to tell you thank you!


I love comments so please write something. I usually responds to everyone on their own blogs. But nowadays I often find it impossible to comment on many blogs or on Google+. Often the word verifications is unreadable. And after three times I give up. Other times the systems seems to think I am a spammer. Lots of bloggers loose comments that way. :( So, if you don´t see me comment on your blog that is the reason.