
NF Waters #19

Every Wednesday at 19.00h Stockholm time

NF Waters #19
Welcome to a new edition of NF Waters. A meme all about waters.
linky opens at 19.00h today. In the meantime you are welcome to check out my icy shoe. Oh, and answer a question. I got a request to reopen NF Flowers.Does enyone else want that? 
Välkommna till en ny utgåva av NF Waters. Memet för allting som har med vatten att göra, Linky öppnar kl 19 idag. Fram till dess får ni gärna kolla min isiga sko. Och svara på en fråga. Jag fick ett önskemål om att starta upp NF Flowers igen. Är ni fler som vill ha den över sommaren?   

NF Photo 120402, Näsnaren

The rules are simpel enough. Post a watery shot at your blog and ad your permalink in the Linky list below. Then link back to this site.

What is permalink? It is the link that takes you direct to your watery post. That is a courtesy to your visitors, they need not search for your post. The list will be open Monday to Sunday.
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  1. Jag vill gärna att NF Blommor kommer tillbaka, och NF Macro också :)

  2. I like the "action" in your photo

  3. Jag tycker det låter kul med blommorna!

  4. Det vore trevlig med NF Flowers.

  5. Lovely shot with subdued colours.
    Thank you for hosting.

  6. Love the 'energy of the water' ~ lovely photo ~ thanks for hosting ~ namaste, ^_^

  7. thanks for joining. I will give it a thought.

  8. Love how the sun features the waves!

  9. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your link with me. I'll hook up with it in the future.


I love comments so please write something. I usually responds to everyone on their own blogs. But nowadays I often find it impossible to comment on many blogs or on Google+. Often the word verifications is unreadable. And after three times I give up. Other times the systems seems to think I am a spammer. Lots of bloggers loose comments that way. :( So, if you don´t see me comment on your blog that is the reason.