
Friday Fences

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NF Photo 120215, Katrineholm
On my way to town. :)
Friday Fences
Labels: NatureFootstep, nfphoto, foto, photography, natur, naturfoto, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, Bildverkstan, photo manipulation, photo shop, art, konst, sweden, sverige, Monica Johansson, resor, travels, Katrineholm fotograf, bild, NF Meme, ,, , , ,


  1. Super! I love how the snow is clinging to the wall.

  2. Oh Wow! That's a really great fence...so much snow! Beautiful!

  3. Beautiful photo. I love the snow on the wall.

  4. i love the charm of the snow covered fence.

  5. Those of us who don't have snow are always fascinated by it! Lovely scene.

  6. That is such a beautiful picture! Love the snow on the fence!

  7. Great pic for the theme, and love the snow!

  8. Love the snow! Interesting fence, stone on the bottom and wooden on top. I like it!

  9. Love your choice for the theme very appropriate!

  10. That is one awesome fence
    Bridget #42

  11. I understand your frustration about not getting comments on your posts. Bloggers all love feedback--for sure I do. Sometimes I look at my stats and am happy to see how many hits have received and from how many countries--even though there's no comment. I hope you'll continue because it's so great to see photos of a particular subject from different parts of the world. Like your entry today. In Kentucky we have stone fences but nothing like this beauty.

  12. This is a great shot! I know most people in your part of the world are so tired of snow & cold, but I never tire of a snowy scene. The snow adds a special touch & a certain feel to a shot. Lovely!


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