Monday: NF Inspiring Photography- Catching light 
Tuesday:  NF Blo-Ma    
 Wednesday:  NF Digital Art Meme, DAM
      All.starts around 10.00h Stockholm time and please don´t confuse them as there are 2 of them and with NF Digital Art Meme on Bildverkstan
Be sure you link to the right one. One of each is always visible on the front page. Just scroll down to find yours.


NF Winged 112 Night moth

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 112
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Summer is almost over. So are the winged ones. But there are still a few of creatures with wings. So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files.

This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge

 © NF Photo 110210, CostaRica

This is some butterflies I found below the nightlight outside my room in a Lodge in Costa Rica when I was there. I think the antennas looks rather cool!

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NF Abstract 47 Shadow with a cut

NF Abstract on Wednesday
NF Abstract 47
NF Abstract, a meme for abstract photo art and creative work. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways and you can use whatever means you want as long as the result is Abstract.
Please visit my entry and so many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
click to enlarge
Shadow with a cut in watercolor
© NF Photo 130615

This is my shadow and it was tricky to take because of the layout of my apartment. I was thinking of hanging a sheet there but I liked the color and the cut made of the doors. I think it works as abstract so, here it is. I might play more with this idea later on.

Linking up with Shadow Shot Sunday
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NF Blo-Ma 73 Seeds on unknown plant


Every Tuesday

NF Blo-Ma 73
Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma.  A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the Swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. English translation would be Flo-Ma but that does not sound so good in Swedish so Blo-Ma it is. Thanks everyone who joined last week.
If flower comes short this time of year dont´ forget you can link up macro shots.  
Addition: Why not make some flower and macro art while you are at it? To add a little more fun to the meme.

click to enlarge
Seeds on unknown plant
©  NF Photo 130509

I captured this last may. So it is probably a last years survival. I liked the ball shape ot the capsules (?) if that is what they are.

As you know I have a lot on my mind but I always returns a visit. 
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not to GOOGLE+ or the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can visit.
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Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
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NF Inspiring Photography 70 - Catching the light Lightshow

NF Inspiring Photography 70 - Catching the light 
NF Inspiring Photography, a meme for creative and inspiring photography and photo art. Focus more on how to catch the light. Create images with light or lack of light. Share the shots you were inspired to take or make. And then, this is the place to showcase them. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways.  Most important have fun.

I´d like this to be a living meme. Not only another linky list. So far this is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating.
click to enlarge

Lightshow at Gröna Kullen, Katrineholm
© NF Photo 131118

My sister made a video of the event. You can find it on her site on Facebook (I hope it works)
Gröna Kullen

Now it is your turn to catch light!

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NF Winged 111 Damselfly

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 111
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Summer is almost over. So are the winged ones. But there are still a lot of creatures with wings. So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files.

This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge

Common Winter Damselfly - Vinterflickslända
NF Photo 130520 
Going through my files I found this damselfly. It is probably a female Common Winter Damselfly - Vinterflickslända
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NF Abstract 46 Black sheet

NF Abstract on Wednesday

NF Abstract 46
NF Abstract, a meme for abstract photo art and creative work. I start this meme as I hope to challenge myself in my photography and artwork. To me, so far, it is all about photography and manipulation of my shots in a, hopefully, creative way. Lately I have started to also create the images, not just document what I find. Now I want to proceed. And I hope some of you want to share that process with me.

The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways and you can use whatever means you want as long as the result is Abstract.
Please visit my entry and so many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
click to enlarge
Black sheet
NF Photo 131117

Lol, I wonder if you see what I see in this one? I can clearly see a profile of a woman's face, hat and two colored hair. And then there is a feature where it changes between a head of a cat and a fish. Or maybe it is a hooded man. (giggling)  Very peculiar.
Hope you like it.

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NF Blo-Ma 72 - Lady in Black


Every Tuesday

NF Blo-Ma 72
Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma.  A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the Swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. English translation would be Flo-Ma but that does not sound so good in Swedish so Blo-Ma it is. Thanks everyone who joined last week.
If flower comes short this time of year dont´ forget you can link up macro shots.  
Addition: Why not make some flower and macro art while you are at it? To add a little more fun to the meme.

click to enlarge
 NF Photo 131111

This is a tiny flower not bigger then the nail on my little finger. It grows on a bush and is a late bloomer. It is blooming outdoors right now. It seem to belong to the Aster family. More about it HERE  This bush was driven over by accident but still produces a few flowers.

As you know I have a lot on my mind but I always returns a visit. 
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not to GOOGLE+ or the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can visit.
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Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
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NF Inspiring Photography 69 - Catching the light Garage

NF Inspiring Photography 69 - Catching the light 
NF Inspiring Photography, a meme for creative and inspiring photography and photo art. Focus more on how to catch the light. Create images with light or lack of light. Share the shots you were inspired to take or make. And then, this is the place to showcase them. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways.  Most important have fun.

I´d like this to be a living meme. Not only another linky list. So far this is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating.
click to enlarge
NF Photo 131117

I was rather surprised when I spotted this garage. It is not the first thing you think of that will glow in the low sun.

 Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
If your blog demands GOOGLE+ login for comments then I will respond to you in this post.
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NF Winged 110 Tofsmes - Crested Tit

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 110
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Summer is almost over. So are the winged ones. But there are still a lot of creatures with wings. So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files.

This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge
Tofsmes - Crested Tit
NF Photo 131104

One of my favourites at the forest feeder.
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NF Abstract 45 Impressionistic light

NF Abstract on Wednesday
NF Abstract 45
NF Abstract, a meme for abstract photo art and creative work. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways and you can use whatever means you want as long as the result is Abstract.
Please visit my entry and so many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
click to enlarge
Impressionistic light
NF Photo 130615

This is an image of a light strand. I used Impressionistic filter in Arc Soft Photo Studio to create the effect.
Hope to see more from you today. Have fun.

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