Monday: NF Inspiring Photography- Catching light 
Tuesday:  NF Blo-Ma    
 Wednesday:  NF Digital Art Meme, DAM
      All.starts around 10.00h Stockholm time and please don´t confuse them as there are 2 of them and with NF Digital Art Meme on Bildverkstan
Be sure you link to the right one. One of each is always visible on the front page. Just scroll down to find yours.


NF Inspiring Photography 40 /Catching the light

NF Inspiring Photography/Catching the light  40 
NF Inspiring Photography, a meme for creative and inspiring photography and photo art. Focus more on how to catch the light. Create images with light or lack of light. Share the shots you were inspired to take or make. And then, this is the place to showcase them. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways.  Most important have fun.

I´d like this to be a living meme. Not only another linky list. So far this is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating.
click to enlarge
NF Photo 130329 at Oxelösund

I open this edition a bit early as I´ll be gone most of the day and I want to be sure it works before I leave. I´m going back to this place to look for more birds. Have fun, I probably will.

BTW, I spotted the first butterfly today. In the sunlight of course. But I´m saving it for the Winged meme. :)

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NF Waters 66 Kayaking the ice

Every Sunday

NF Waters 66
Welcome to a new edition of NF Waters. A meme for everything about waters. Get wet and have fun! Know that I am a busy woman and don´t visit everybody. But I do return a comment. :)

click to enlarge
NF Photo 130329, Gamla Oxelösund hamn

I went to the coast to see if there was any migrating birds. The black dots on the water is mostly Tufted Ducks. A beautiful duck. I also found these two brave men. Sitting safely on the edge of the ice. Hm, don´t think I would do that.
I hope you have warmer waters then I have.
You are always welcome to visit NatureFootstep.  :)
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NF Winged 81 Tofsmes - Crested tit

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 

NF Winged 81
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. The winter is hopefully, over soon. This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge

Tofsmes - Crested tit
NF Photo 130222
One of my favourite birds. I think we have a pair in that little piece of a forest. If I´m lucky I might see young ones later on. Keep your fingers crossed for me. :)
Easter is coming up. Will you post chickens? You can do that. Anyway, Happy Easter to everyone.
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NF Abstract 16 Orange whirl

NF Abstract on Wednesday
NF Abstract 16
NF Abstract, a meme for abstract photo art and creative work. I start this meme as I hope to challenge myself in my photography and artwork. To me, so far, it is all about photography and manipulation of my shots in a, hopefully, creative way. Lately I have started to also create the images, not just document what I find. Now I want to proceed. And I hope some of you want to share that process with me.

The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways and you can use whatever means you want as long as the result is Abstract.
Please visit my entry and so many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just a linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
click to enlarge
Orange whirl
NF Photo 130309

   Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a curtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. There is also people who post links to blogs that is closed. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can vistit. I can´t even alert you when it is wrong. 
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NF Blo-Ma 42 Lashes

Every Tuesday

NF Blo-Ma 42
Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma.  A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. English translation would be Flo-Ma but that does not sound so good in Swedish so Blo-Ma it is. Thanks everyone who joined last week.

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 NF Photo 130301

Lol, I share a macro today so you don´t forget that macro is a topic to this meme as well as flowers. It is freezing still cold and hard to find flowers outdoors.
 Hope your sun is shining. 

As you know I have a lot on my mind but I always returns a visit.
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a curtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share.
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Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
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NF Inspiring Photography 39 / Catching the light

NF Inspiring Photography/Catching the light  39 
NF Inspiring Photography, a meme for creative and inspiring photography and photo art. Focus more on how to catch the light. Create images with light or lack of light. Share the shots you were inspired to take or make. And then, this is the place to showcase them. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways.  Most important have fun.

I´d like this to be a living meme. Not only another linky list. So far this is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating.
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Kaveldun - Typha
NF Photo 130324

This is a very useful plant. Used to be called "survival plant". For this season I will not catch light in snow again. I want the snow to be removed! But you can still ad your work to the linkylist of course. Have fun.

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NF Waters 65 Sångsvan - Whooper Swan

Every Sunday

NF Waters 65
Welcome to a new edition of NF Waters. A meme for everything about waters. Get wet and have fun! Know that I am a busy woman and don´t visit everybody. But I do return a comment. :)

click to enlarge
Sångsvan - Whooper Swan
NF Photo 130323

Those nice guys are back to the lake. At least for a while. It is still cold and a lot of ice.
Do you have warmer waters? Let me see it.
You are always welcome to visit NatureFootstep.  :)
 Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
Please use the link to your post, not the blog adress. Don´t let your visitors run around your blog to find the entry. 
Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
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NF Winged 80 Southern Hawker - Blågrön mosaiktrollslända

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 80
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. The winter is hopefully, over soon. This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

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Southern Hawker or Blue Darner, female
 Blågrön mosaiktrollslända, hona
NF Photo 120813

I´m longing for them now, don´t you? This is a female dropping eggs in the water last summer. Maybe I will see her offspring the coming season.
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NF Abstract 15 Krämbol

NF Abstract on Wednesday
NF Abstract 15
NF Abstract, a meme for abstract photo art and creative work. I start this meme as I hope to challenge myself in my photography and artwork. To me, so far, it is all about photography and manipulation of my shots in a, hopefully, creative way. Lately I have started to also create the images, not just document what I find. Now I want to proceed. And I hope some of you want to share that process with me.

The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways and you can use whatever means you want as long as the result is Abstract.
Please visit my entry and so many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just a linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating. As you know I´m a busy woman but I always return a comment. :)
click to enlarge
NF Photo 120406 Krämbol

14 people added their art last week. That´s great, but I don´t mind if there are even more tsi week.  I enjoy very much to see what comes up in the thumbnail list. Ad your abstract art and take a look at others. Have fun.

   Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a curtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. There is also people who post links to blogs that is closed. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can vistit. I can´t even alert you when it is wrong. 
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NF Blo-Ma 41 Purple November cactus

Every Tuesday

NF Blo-Ma 41
Välkommna till en ny utgåva av NF Blo-Ma. Memet för allting som har med blommor och macro foton att göra. Dvs ett meme för både och, där Blo står för blomma och Ma för macro. Ett tack till alla som var med förra veckan.

Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma.  A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. English translation would be Flo-Ma but that does not sound so good in Swedish so Blo-Ma it is. Thanks everyone who joined last week.

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 NF Photo 130318
This is not the same plant I have posted before. I have one flower on this one and it has a blue tone to the color. Not really purple but colder then the others.
Now it is your turn. Pick some flowers and have fun.

As you know I have a lot on my mind but I always returns a visit.
You are always welcome to visit NatureFootstep.  :)

 Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a curtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share.
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Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
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